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Galtenberg Family & Wellness Resort

Alpbach | Tyrol

Galtenberg Family & Wellness Resort

A charming combination of luxury and tradition awaits guests at the Galtenberg Family & Wellness Resort. The family-run 4-star superior hotel offers family as well as wellness vacations of the extra class and inspires with a pleasant feel-good atmosphere.

In keeping with the cozy, elegant interior, The Flame effect fireplace adorns the entryway and in the Premier deluxe suite, our TOWER effect fireplace furniture creates a cozy atmosphere. The hotel’s own alPACHA Cocktail Lounge & Bar shines with a stylish ENDLESS ECCLUSION.

ProjektzeitraumProject period
October 2020

ProjektgruppeProject group
Built-in models and freestanding fireplace

ProjektkategorieProject category
Hotel industry

Alpbach, Tyrol


Could our project inspire you? Is the desire for a similarly fiery solution with charm and style already blazing in you? Get an overview of The Flame devices that make this project shine.


Only electricity (230 V) and bio-fluid (distilled water) in conjunction with...


TOWER - fire furniture in tinder steel look with real wood inlay, glass red,...


Only electricity (230 V) and bio-fluid (distilled water) in conjunction with...


TOWER - fire furniture in tinder steel look with real wood inlay, glass red,...