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Reischlhof Wellness & Indulgence

Wegscheid | Germany

Reischlhof Wellness & Indulgence

With the claim to offer its guests a home away from home, the Wellnesshotel Reischlhof in the Bavarian Forest is a true place of well-being. A high standard runs through all areas of the family-run hotel – this is also reflected in the interior, which lives from a design with attention to detail.

Feeling good like at home – a feeling that surrounds the guests of the Reischlhof also thanks to our The Flame devices. In the rooms and suites, our fireplaces emphasize the cozy ambience, in the pool area a free-standing effect fire creates an atmospheric ambience and in the lounge areas, guests can enjoy their evening in front of blazing flames.

ProjektzeitraumProject period
March 2017

ProjektgruppeProject group
Built-in models

ProjektkategorieProject category
Hotel industry

Wegscheid, Germany


Could our project inspire you? Is the desire for a similarly fiery solution with charm and style already blazing in you? Get an overview of The Flame devices that make this project shine.


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